Edgar Cayce, the Christian mystic, is often revered as one of the most legitimate psychics that has ever lived. Even people who purport to deny all spiritual and metaphysical experiences have trouble explaining Cayce’s reports and experiences.
In this article, we’ll talk about a few of Edgar Cayce’s many predictions that actually came true.
Predicting World War II
When leading a session with a 29-year old freighter, Cayce forewarned of serious conflict that would emerge on the global stage. To be more specific, he indicated that conflicts would pertain “not only as individuals, but as to nations.”
He also accurately predicted that humanity would necessitate “the taking of sides,” and specifically mentioned that this would largely be led by “the Austrians, Germans, and later the Japanese.”
Predicting the Stock Market Crash
In 1925, Cayce was doing a reading for a young doctor. He predicted that the doctor would soon come into a lot of money, and advised him to be wary about how he invested it due to “adverse forces that will come then in 1929.”
Another reference to this prediction came in 1929, a few months before the market would actually crash. This prediction was much more specific, at first hinting at a “great disturbance in financial circles,” and then more specifically stating that the issue was “between those of the reserves [the bankers] of nations and of individuals.”
He also stated that “unless another of the more stable banking conditions come to the relief,” things would get serious.
Predicting (or Recalling) the Life of the Essenes
This is one of Cayce’s more interesting predictions in the sense that it is more of a recalling than a prediction.
You may have heard about the Dead Sea Scrolls – a text discovered several years after Cayce’s death that was written by a mysterious and lesser-known group known as the Essenes.
Prior to their discovery, Cayce made semi-regular references to the lives and beliefs of the Essenes. Only after the discovery of the scrolls were researchers able to confirm the validity of his predictions.
Predicting the Medical Use of Blood
Cayce was giving a physical reading to someone when he made mention of future medical technologies that, without a doubt, developed according to plan. He said that medical practitioners would soon be able to make a diagnosis of a person’s health based on the condition of their blood – something that, at the time, was absolutely ludicrous.
He stated that “there is no condition existent in a body that the reflection of same may not be traced in the blood supply,” and that “the day may yet arrive when one may take a drop of blood and diagnose the condition of any physical body.”
Predicting India’s Independence from Britain
It was on January 15, 1932, that Cayce predicted that Britan would lose control over India. He stated, perhaps referencing Gandhi, that “Britain is losing an excellent fight. Non-resistance is hard to be broken.”