If you’re reading this, you’re probably already aware that the number 666 has some pretty dark connotations. Known as the Number of the Beast, this number is commonly associated with satanism and Lucifer.
However, the number 666 isn’t all bad. In this article, we’ll explore a few different angles of the number 666.
Basics of Numerology
The basic premise of numerology is associated with an ancient idea that sounds very ‘new-age’: that everything in the universe is attuned to a certain vibration or frequency.
All the esoteric sciences, as well as modern theoretical sciences like quantum physics, seem to agree on this. It is now widely accepted that anything we can see, hear, or feel, is the result of an interaction between waves and particles.
Each wave operates at a specific wavelength, which is the speed at which it vibrates. Numbers, then, are said to represent certain frequencies. By understanding what a certain number represents, we can begin to recognize numbers as symbols representing certain ideas or truths in the universe.
The Book of Revelations
In Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelations, it is noted that “the one with understanding reckon[s] the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is 666.”
Exoterically, the bible doesn’t really dive much deeper than this. However, if you look into the number 666 from an esoteric perspective, you can learn some interesting things.
The bible was originally written in Hebrew. The Hebrew system of writing attaches a value to each letter and figure used in the system. That means each word, number, and letter can be understood a number of different ways depending on how you’re looking at it.
It’s also important to note that the word ‘reckon,’ comes from a Greek word which means ‘solve,’ so based on this translation of the Book of Revelations, readers are basically being told to solve the number of the beast.
Unfortunately, no matter how you look at it, there are quite a few ways to ‘solve’ the number 666.
- Various names throughout history have been manipulated to add up to 666. The names of notorious leaders, such as Nero Caesar, add up to 666.
- During the Reformation, Protestants referred to the pope as papeiskos, a word that adds up to 666.
- The famed occultist Alastair Crowley often signed his name as The Beast 666, though he associated the number with sun worship rather than devil worship.
Whatever the case, people most often associate the number 666 with evil, satanism, or unpleasantness. The number is actually so feared that a medical name has been designated for those who are afraid of the number 666: hexakosioihexakontahexaphobia (a bit of a mouthful, no?)
The number 666 has long been associated with satanism and evil.
One of the most difficult issues surrounding the number 666 is that it’s very ambiguous and we have no way to actually define the number save for an obscure quote from the Bible.
If you’ve been seeing the number 666 everywhere, don’t worry – it might not been that the devil is on your trail. However, it might be worth considering whether or not you’re on the path that you’d like to stay on.
Written by Nigel Ford